American soldiers carrying sign for American Embassy while walking…
Sailors watch World War I battleship. A ship sinks. American soldiers…
A film showing the Concentration camps of World War 2, W.W.II, WW2.…
Footage of a Concentration Camp in World War 2, W.W.II, WW2. A shot of…
WWII in the Pacific. Japanese invasion of the Philippines. Japanese…
A scene of a bombed village. A sign reads Shanghai South. A person…
Soldiers coming home at the end of World War I. Several Model T cars…
Soldiers leaving families and saying farewell. Soldiers putting on…
British Army; General Montgomery and Marshal Cunningham in the Seventh…
Footage of British Royal Air Force and American air force bomber planes…
Soviet military vehicles carry missiles, intercontinental ballistic…
Still shot of Robert Oppenheimer with hat and pipe