Footage of the Statue of Liberty and visiting tourists. Begins with WS of Lady Liberty. MS of her silhouette by a bare tree. Cuts to a ferry heading to the harbor, the Statue of Liberty is visible through light fog, children and an elderly man stand at the front of the ferry. WS of the statue. 2 people in hats look up at the statue. PAN as several families walk towards Lady Liberty, a father holds his daughters’ hands, they all look up at her. PAN tracking shot up Lady Liberty from the ground. Several MS of Lady Liberty’s face and up to her torch. A cameraman is seen leaning over the torch railing. POV of the cameraman of the New York City skyline, then the top of Lady Liberty. Interior of the statue as a man in uniform, his wife, and their daughter. The father lifts his daughter up to the windows inside Lady Liberty’s crown. Exterior shot of the 3 of them looking out the windows. POV from a ship as several ships sail alongside it; Statue of Liberty visible in BG. LS of Statue of Liberty in BG, people on a ship wave to it in FG. CU of people onboard including a man, a nun, and the silhouette of a young man. PAN up of the statue. WS from a ship, children lean against a railing looking out. Cuts to children on another boat looking out, an American flag hangs on the ship.