Footage of Nelson Rockefeller’s presidential campaign.John D. Rockefeller Sr. holds gloves in his hands as he leads a group in song. Nelson Rockefeller stands smiling with his Grandfather. PAN of the Rockefeller boys. Nelson smiles as he walks down airstairs. CU of him at a formal dinner wearing a tuxedo. WS of supporters celebrating his election as Governor of New York. Rockefeller stands smiling, waving both hands at the crowd. Cuts to his reelection 4 years later. He smiles and waves. WS of a colonial style mansion. Rockefeller walks through a tunnel of paparazzi, wood paneled walls in BG. People are seated in a room, cameramen and paparazzi stand. CU of Rockefeller speaking into microphones and announcing he will run for President. MS of Rockefeller Headquarters with a picture of Nelson. Shots of him amongst supporters, smiling, shaking hands. PAN of a bus with a Rockefeller for President banner. Zoom in to a flyer with Rockefeller’s face. He stands talking amongst schoolchildren. PAN of teen girls wearing Rockefeller sashes. Rockefeller shakes hands. Rockefeller for President sign hangs on a barn with a picture of his face. She shakes the hands of 2 little girls, there is a bandaid on the back of his neck. His bus drives past. He purchases a meal from a lunch line. CU as he takes a bite of a hamburger. Various shots of him meeting with people, including a man with a cigar. Ends with Rockefeller speaking into microphones.