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Begins with President Eisenhower walking up to a podium. MCU of Eisenhower with his right hand raised, repeating the inaugural speech after a judge, they shake hands and the crowd cheers, Eisenhower kisses his wife’s cheek then shakes hands with Nixon. MS of Eisenhower from behind as he raises his hands at the crowd, they cheer. MS of Truman and 2 women outside a car, he raises his hat. CU of Truman and wife waving from the back of a train. MS PAN of Eisenhower and his cabinet members. MS aerial view of Eisenhower in the oval office surrounded by the press. Cuts to members of the press writing in notebooks. Cuts to Eisenhower in the river fishing. MS as Eisenhower lifts a net with a fish in it from the water. CU of Robert Taft smiling. Cuts to his coffin with many lilies on top. WS of Capitol Building as a line of people enter.