This clip contains footage about the dangers of troubled youths, and the help of group work. VO explains how troubled youth will lead to crimes as adults. It begins with a MCU of 2 teenage boys sitting by a food stand, one gestures to the other boy, they stand and intentionally run into a teenager that is paying for his meal, the teens begin pushing each other. Cuts to MCU of the teen picking up his money from the ground, another teen walks over and steps on the money. Cuts to MCU of a teenage boy walking around a teenage girl, she looks nervous. Cuts to MS of the food stand as the teenage boy and girl walk off, the delinquent teens stand together and watch them leave. Dissolve to MS of a man walking from a building into his car. Cuts to MCU of the man in the driver seat, looking at a paper. Cuts to MS of the car driving out of a parking lot. Cuts to MS of the car arriving at the food stand, the man sits down on a stool and the other boys stand around him.