Austria: Troops marching in formation in the streets of a conquered Austria. Shot of a packed senate chamber with Austrian symbols visible hanging on the wall. Chancellor Schuschnigg speaks at the front of the room. Jeeps and motorcycles drive through the Austrian forest. German troops walk through the streets. Nazi tanks drive through the streets. Planes fly in formation through the sky. Czechoslovakia: Czech military mobilizes. Mounted troops and large guns move through the streets of the city. Tanks follow.Italy: Italian troops hold their knives up in unison. Italian and German troops trudge through the snow.France: French politicians Camille Chautemps and Leon Blum address crowds.England: English prime minister Neville Chamberlain addresses a crowd, foreign secretary Halifax speaks into a microphone. Russia: Russian troops on the march. Stalin waves to the troops. Russian planes fill the sky. Military trucks drive through red square. United States: Senator Joseph C. O’Mahoney makes a statement.