Commercial for Mum Cream Deodorant; woman dressed in black hat and coat sits in a cafe, sipping coffee; she spies a man in a trench coat and hat, smoking; their eyes meet, and she quietly walks over to him, dropping a piece of paper at his feet before walking on; he picks it up as she walks through a beaded curtain to use a public telephone; the note says: “new Mum has a secret weapon;” the woman calls a contact, letting them know that she’s delivered the message; the contact instructs her to review the next message: “Mum, the doctor’s deodorant discovery: now contains M-3 to stop odor 24 hours a day!”; he ensures that she’s understood the message, and she replies: “Mum’s the word!”; voiceover: “new Mum Cream Deodorant with M-3! Got the message?”