Very seventies narrator talks about drug tolerance and dependence.…
Shot of drugs in the opioid class sitting atop a green pedestal.…
Physician Craig Whitehead of the Haight Ashbury detox clinic discusses…
Zoom out from glasses of alcohol--pint of beer, glass of wine, and shot…
Zoom out from CU of morphine bottle. Zoom in on amphetamine pills…
Interview with Craig Whitehead of the Haight Ashbury Detox Clinic about…
Flashing image of the upper half of a human anatomy figure, featuring…
A woman gets her prescription filled at a pharmacist. The narrator…
A physician or doctor talks to a patient. Doctor writes notes and/or a…
Interview with a woman. Interview with a young boy, her son, talking…
Everett Salmon, M.D. talks about the Haight Ashbury Clinic and…
1970s, 1960s
1960s anti-drug film in New York. An old Cadillac ambulance (…