Simone says she has an older brother who doesn’t know she’s a homosexual. She says that her brother would probably kill her if he found out, and she giggles when saying this. She says she is 20 years old and agrees that she’s old enough to be drafted.

She states that she wasn’t drafted. Asked why, she says that she must have had a horrible experience when she was “down there,” presumably at a recruiting center. Said she stood out from the rest of the people there. Says she didn’t want to be drafted; so she added a little more make up to her face. She says she wasn’t dressed as a girl, but she had her hair up and combed it differently than the rest of the boys. Says that she was “caught at the door” and personally escorted by guards to the place where she was supposed to be seated, presumably at the recruiting center. Said she was later sent to different psychiatrists. The psychiatrists asked her questions like: “Are you happy the way that you are?” and “Do your parents know?” and “Do you want any help from us [the psychiatrists]?” and “Are you happy?” She says that she answered all of their questions.

Changing the subject, the interviewer asks about hanging out with boys. She says she hangs out with boys on the weekends and after work during the week, going to gay bars in the city. Says she meets all kinds of people during these times. “Maybe” she’ll go home with a boy, she says; but she says that, whenever she goes to a bar, she doesn’t intend to have sex. She says that she only goes to gay bars, but that she sometimes dates straight people and will then go to straight bars.

Asked if she takes female hormones, she says that she’s “started on it.” She says that these hormones have made her “put on weight.” Asked if the hormones have effected her breasts, she says that “they” don’t start forming until after 2 to 3 weeks, so she can’t say.