Trailer for “Summer School Teachers”. Begins with animated sun getting larger. Dissolve to MCU of a bus braking. Cuts to MCU of 3 women sitting on a bus talking and snapping. Cuts to the 3 women walking down a sidewalk, the title: “Summer School Teachers” appears. Cuts to MCU of the 3 women sitting at a table, the one in the middle runs her fingers through her hair. Cuts to an old man speaking, an American flag in BG. Cuts to MS of a classroom, the students sit around a table, the teacher’s back is to the camera. Cuts to MCU of a student talking. Cuts to teacher’s face, student’s face in FG. Cuts to MS of teacher’s back to camera and the students facing her. Wipe right to 3 men fighting, one swings a baseball bat over the other’s head. Cuts to CU of the student pulling the teacher by the collar to kiss her, he pulls away and she slaps him. Cuts to MCU of her slapping him. Cuts to the old man speaking and displaying a backwards peace sign. Cuts to a band on a football field. Cuts to CU of a teacher blowing a whistle and yelling. Cuts to a CU of a girl’s shorts that say ‘Kiss My’ with a donkey underneath. Cuts to MS of a group of girls in a semi circle, one of them kicks a football, PAN of the football. Cuts to MS of a girl catching the football and smiling, then being pushed by the group of girls. Wipe left of a CU of a girl talking and pointing at herself. Cuts to MCU of a man in a hat, sitting at a table and yelling. Cuts back to CU of girl talking. Cuts to MS of girls in football uniforms ripping through a sign and running, the title: “Summer School Teachers” appears. Cuts to MS of 2 teenagers against a chain link fence looking confused and pointing at the girls in uniform running in FG. Cuts to MS TRACK to a teacher running in front of the football girls, the man in the hat enters the screen and pulls the teacher away by the arm. Cuts to MS of the teacher hugging a man and the old man talking, a crowd sits in the bleachers in BG. Cuts to MCU of a go cart crashing through a barn door. Cuts to MS of the go cart crashing through the barn door. Cuts to MS from the back of a car, a blue VW Beetle drives past. Cuts to CU of a woman driving. Cuts to MS of the blue Beetle driving away and another Beetle driving up the hill to avoid being hit. Cuts to MS of the go cart driving up a hill. Cuts to MS of the go cart driving on the grass and another car driving next to it on the street. Cuts to MS of the go cart, another car, and the beetle driving on grass. Cuts to MCU of the car hitting a tree. Cuts to MCU of a man speaking into a microphone at a podium. Cuts to MS of a woman holding bananas in a market, a store clerk comes up to her and kisses her arm. Cuts to MCU of a girl rolling her eyes and laughing. Wipe up to MCU of a topless woman on a bed, a man lays next to her. Cuts to MCU behind the man, he kisses her cheek. Cuts to MCU of 2 older women. Cuts to the man at the podium speaking. Cuts to MCU of a woman on the phone. Cuts to MCU of the woman sitting down, a man is seated in FG. Cuts to MCU of the woman taking off her shirt, a man sits next to her without his shirt, they kiss. A frame appears of a woman exclaiming ‘wow’, a harp’s strings in FG. Cuts to MS of the topless coupling kissing and then falling into a pond. Cuts to MCU of a woman in a park talking. Cuts to MS of a naked woman laying on her stomach surrounded by flowers. Cuts to MS inside a locker room shower, 2 girls have their arms around each other. Cuts to MS of a woman in a bed and a man kneeling next to her. Cuts to MS of a group of teenagers crowded around a park bench, zoom in to a girl’s shocked face. Cuts to CU STILL of a naked woman, a man’s finger pokes the poster, TRACK up and down, TRACK up to the woman standing behind the poster. Cuts to MCU of the old man sitting at a desk, a yellow animated sun gets bigger and covers the screen. Cuts to MCU of the 3 women sitting on a bench, the title: “Summer School Teachers” appears. Cuts to MCU of the old man shaking his head and placing his hand on his cheek. A yellow animated sun covers the screen. Cuts to the R rating screen.