This is a trailer for the movie “Alien.” It begins a shot of the camera quickly moving through space. The superimposed text of the word “Alien” form through out the length of the trailer. Under the text are shots that cut back and forth from moving through a desolate landscape to an extreme close up of something yet to be identified. Cuts to a MS of an egg, the object from the close ups. A CU of the egg. A MS of the egg cracking/ hatching, with a glowing white light coming from within the egg. The rest of clip is a series of short shots of the film. A shot of a flash light in the dark. A shot of a large space ship. People walking through a desolate planet. A woman running through a corridor. People walking through a very large entrance of some kind. The woman running. People in space suits walking through a tunnel. Back to the woman in the corridor. The people in space suits walking. Back to the corridor shot. Cuts to a computer display. A person moving down a rope. Corridor shot. A MS of people waking up from sleep in futuristic beds. Corridor shot. A CU of dirty fingers. A CU of a cat’s face. Corridor shot. Shots of close ups of faces. Corridor shot. CU of a face. A shot of a man spasming. Corridor shot. Cat’s face. A shot of a torso. Corridor shot. A man looking at something not in the frame. The cat hisses. Rapid shots of unidentified objects. Different shots of people spasming. A CU of a face brightened against the flash of a large explosion. A WS of a space ship moving toward a planet and then the words “In space no one can hear you scream” becomes superimposed over this image. Fades to the word “Alien.” Fades to movie information.