This clip contains stills of Margaretha Geertuida Zelle with her first husband Captain Rudolph Macleod, and stills as under her stage name Mata Hari. VO throughout.Begins with pov shot from a speeding train. WS of the outside of a building with a clock, a large crowd of people are standing on the steps. Cuts to the interior where many people wait in lines. 2 men walk down a street, likely in Europe. MS of a man in a doorway reading a newspaper, he pulls the paper down to look at the staircase below, then pulls the paper back up. MCU of a man rummaging through a cardboard box, posts from a gate in FG. CU of a woman with an old style telephone. CU of a man’s hand sifting through various papers. MS of a horse drawn carriage, a man and woman wait outside the carriage, a dog exits. STILL of Margaretha Geertuida Zelle and then husband Captain Rudolph Macleod. Dissolve to flower vendors in Paris. STILL of Mata Hari posing in an exotic costume, superimposed footage of a lit torch. Another still of Mata Hari in a costume with no bottoms, superimposed with a man drumming. CU of Margaretha Zelle’s profile, she has an up do and flowers in her hair. MS of elite women with large feathered hats walking and laughing. Dissolve to a room with army men (German possibly) that are listening to radio devices, a more decorated officer walks towards the men with a paper. Cuts to Zelle’s mug shot. Various shots of a battlefield with smoke. Color STILL of Mata Hari in an exotic costume posing with a small smile. Ends with the silhouette of a man closing a gate, and a hand on a telegraph.