Marines Off to Near East Trouble Spot; March 1956; Arial views of a battalion of Marines show the organized lines of troops and trucks. Leaving from North Carolina and Virginia, we look closely into the eyes of three young men before seeing masses of them boarding ships. Tanks roll out and we see a ship depart.

Cambodia; Robert Basler, a United Press correspondent, is shown with shaven head and in robes during a ceremony in which he is inducted into buddhism. Coming to cover the coronation of the King of Cambodia, Basler has chosen to live in the monastery for one month.

Hollywood, Cal.; At the Pantages theater, its the Academy Awards. A brief shot of crowds outside the theater, then shots of a few celebrities in the Audience, including Frank Sinatra and James Cagny. We see awards given out to Ernest Borgnine and Marisa Pavan, who accepted the award for the absent Anna Magnani.