This is a campy narrated clip about kids spending habits aimed at teaching the value of a dollar and the importance of saving. A girl browses/looks through various records at a record store, she shops in for the sale items under a red sign that says REDUCED! Shot of child’s hands sifting through and counting various types of money/cash, dollar bills, coins, quarters, nickels, dimes, pennies. A shot of hands unzipping a folded sweater. Boy counts money on his bed and places cash in a savings jar, two children look/ examine a record album/ vinyl record they want to buy, a girl looks at a shirt at a sporting store (1960’s miami dolphins and minnesota vikings pendants are on the wall in the background). A boy compares two paper products to get the best deal, he chooses the bigger ream of paper vs. the smaller ream to get more for his money, a girl in glasses shops for belts on a rack, a girl carries a shopping bag and looks at purses on a shelf. The narrator touts the benefits of saving money and spending money wisely.