The Apollo spacecraft is pulled out of the ocean in the Pacific northwest of Hawaii after a successful test run. In the next newsreel, Jackie Kennedy visits The Royal Palace, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. She watches and feeds elephants accompanied by Prince Norodom Sihanouk and Queen Monineath Sihanouk of Cambodia. Jackie laughs nervously as she is approached by an elephant's trunk. She is escorted by Lord Harlech, British Ambassador to the United States. In the next newsreel, Princess Grace of Monaco (Grace Kelly) arrives at Avenue Montaigne in Paris and is greeted by Dior designer, Marc Bohan for the opening of a new Dior clothing store for babies. Princess Grace cuts the ribbon to signify the store's opening. Bohan shows Princess Grace around the store. The next newsreel shows RMS Queen Mary ocean liner carrying the USS Yorktown, one of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers for the United States Navy. Hundreds of small boats surround the boat as it makes its final stop in Long Beach, California. Aerial shots of the Queen Mary.