Universal Newspaper Newsreel title card reads,"British airmen thrill crowds in sensational feats / Hendon, Eng" A British Royal Air Force bi-plane spews out a smoke screen. A gyrocopter, a V-shaped plane and a bi-plane fly in formation. Six men jump out of bi-planes and open their parachutes as they float downward. In a long shot they land in different parts of the airfield. Nine bi-planes do a loop stunt in formation. Title reads, "Jones wins U.S. Open after sensational holing of 40-ft. putt / Minneapolis" Minn. Max Smith, the runner-up, is teeing off a golf ball at the Interlachen Country Club. Bobby Jones is shown driving the ball straight down the fairway and he walks to his ball as the camera pans up and the crowd follows. He makes a 40ft. putt and wins the tournament, the crowd cheers and goes to greet him. In a medium closeup Bobby Jone signs autographs for fans and the scene ends with him holding the U.S. Open trophy.