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Shot of woman through cross link gate removing her clothes. She sits down on cot. Shot of Woman in white cape and hood pouring water into glass. Close up of her sticking some sort of paper into the water and dipping it in and out. The narrator says the paper has verses from the Koran. This is to help a sterile woman have a child. Shot of man sitting down through cross link gate. Woman in white comes up to him and hands him water. He drinks it. Close up of his face as he drinks. Cut to close up shot of woman’s torso as she lies naked on bed. Cut to man drinking water. Cut to woman in white sitting with head in hand. Close up shot of woman on bed and man having sex. Cut back to woman in white. Long shot of man and woman having sex. Woman in white comes up and runs paper over mans body. The narrator says it is from chapter 2 of the Koran. Close up shot of woman’s hand with paper running over the two people’s bodies. Cut to shot of three women in white talking as narrator calls them suspicious mothers who confirm their daughter’s virginity. Close up of one woman’s face. Cut to shot of metal rod that narrator said is used to confirm girl’s virginity. Shot of girl on bed in fetal position. Shot of medicines on table.