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Multiple commercials#1: Man sitting, watching a small TV. The power goes out, but the TV stays on. Narration: “Panasonic has invented a new kind of personal TV. Its batteries turn on automatically when there’s no electricity.” Man unplugs TV and goes down dark stairs. Man uses light from TV screen to check fuse box in the basement.#2: Man deliberates whether to smoke or not - tapping on glass cigarette box, looking at it and then puts it back. Narration: “If you stop smoking, we’ll insure your life at reduced rate.” Man takes cigarette back out and fondles it until crushing it. “Phoenix is the only company to give you this type of reward for not smoking.” Man takes another cigarette out and starts to light it. “You may save thousands of dollars on your life insurance and maybe even...your life.” Man blows out match, cut to black.