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A commercial for Zee paper napkins. A man and woman walk into a fancy cocktail party. Close up of a woman laughing. A man picks up an apple and takes a bite. CU of a roasted pig with an apple in its mouth. A woman dances on a table holding a paper napkin in her hand. Another woman uses a paper napkin to wipe her mouth. Another woman has a paper napkin in her lap as another man wipes his mouth with a napkin. A person pulls a napkin out of a package of Zee napkins on the table. A dressed up woman wipes of the lens of a telescope and then looks through it to see a man biting an apple. A woman uses a napkin to wipe crumbs off the chin of a man. A couple kisses and the woman wipes off the lipstick with a paper napkin. A hand wipes a ring left by a drink on a table. People walk by a Zee napkin package and take out napkins. A woman wipes her dogs mouth with a napkin. Napkins being thrown in the trash. A woman wipes her lips and face several times with a fancy napkin. Another shot of the Zee napkin package.