Black woman dances nude. Weird, spooky music plays.
African-American woman dances nude. She moves freely and with…
A woman tests sunscreen in the lab.
Over the shoulder shot of a woman playing Tetris. CU of the screen as…
1960s, 1950s
Rose Queen chosen. Woman rides by on horse. Her photograph is taken.…
Title card that reads Italy with United Press underneath. Then a long…
Shot of Picasso as he draws an abstract of a woman's face and…
Picasso is in a dark room painting. He is slowly and deliberately…
Shot of Picasso. He holds a paintbrush and begins sketching. He…
Shows how the Neanderthal caveman and the Cro-Magnon family provided…
CU wooden clock. Pans across kitchen to Kay. Kay, a forties housewife…