1970s, 1960s
CU of someone lubricating a hinge on a machine. A man pushes at a…
At the 25th Annual Junior Boxing Championship in Annapolis, …
Pennsylvania- Secretary of State Christian Herter on a political tour…
Panning shot of road and river in PA after flood. Water still…
Shots of Italian troops marching through Ethiopia. Shots of Ethiopians…
People recreate on a ocean liner. People play shuffle board, volleyball…
Babe Didrikson trains in a boxing studio as the voice-over narrator…
Fistic Fireworks; in Paris, we see a few clips from a bantam weight…
H-Bomb Blast- Exploded at 15,000 Feet Over Pacific (Dept. of Defense) (…
The President Meets the Press and is Host to Stevenson (part 2 of 2);…
No Decision; Germans Claim Foul in Robinson Fight; In Berlin,…
1951 Sports Highlights (part 2 of 2); Slow motion panning shot of the…