8mm home movie of an anti-war demonstration in Oakland, California, in 1967. 

Crowds of people line a street. One protest sign reads, "HELL NO NOBODY GOES." Two young men carry cameras and one wears a hard helmet. Another sign reads, "No more bodies for the WAR MACHINE." Law enforcement officers stand on the street as if waiting for further orders. A sign on the rear bumper of a car reads, "WANTED OAKLAND POLICE DEPT. NEEDS QUALIFIED MEN!" A helicopter hovers overhead. 

Another young man, walking on the roadside, carries a detailed sign that reads, in part, "CITIZENS! ARE THE S. VIETNAMESE YOUR FRIENDS?...." A man with a Fedora-like hat hands out literature for some cause. 

Law enforcement officers walk down a city street. Rocks and cars are on the street, situated as if to block traffic; one might say they symbolize defiance.