Voice-over narration throughout. Universal newsreel. Long shots of the production of the lenses for the telescope at the California Science Institute in Mt. Palomar, California. 

"Batista Announces Three-Year Plan at Giant Meeting" Havana, Cuba. Long shots of crowd gathered to listen to Col. Batista's three-year plan speech for the future of Cuba. Long shots of citizens waiving signs and papers in support of Col. Batista. Long shot of Col. Batista and other Cuban Army officials gathered on the podium. Close up shot of Col. Batista smiling and waiving to the crowd. 

"Beach Beauties Find Big Hands a Help at Rundum" Venice, California. Long shot of bathing beauties playing cards with a jumbo deck on a blanket at the beach. Close up shots of the women's faces as they play their hands of cards. Close up shot of a woman pulling a card out of the sand and winning the game. Long shot of the other women grabbing her, picking her up and throwing her in the ocean for cheating. 

"New Style Rhumba Makes a hit with Winter Tourists" Coral Gables, Florida. Moving long shots of man and woman dancing a new style of rhumba in front of a seated dinner audience with a live orchestra. Long shots of man and woman dancing on the dancefloor with a large spotlight following them.