Footage of the Berkeley Riots related to People’s Park, and student strikes at UC Berkeley Plane lands and National Guard troops walk in file from plane. Closer shot of soldiers walking; they wear helmets, carry bags, and have firearms on their backs. Shots of soldiers coming in formation toward camera, on foot and in cars. Side shot of white van being pushed over by rioters. Protesters in park yell and run from white gas. Shot of woman in hat coughing. High angle shot of students carrying signs walk in a circle. High angle shot moving over the UC Berkeley campus courtyard; zooms in on university gate. Students walk past campus buildings. Students carrying protest signs walk in circle just outside of the courtyard, at Telegraph. Students picketing under gate shot from behind people walking toward gate. Students run towards camera, away from something; one blond stops, looking back at whatever they run from. Shot of white vapor from tear gas blowing over an courtyard with students running. Courtyard assembly. Shot of huge cloud of tear gas; student struggle through shrubbery to escape.