Begins with a swing dance competition. Various couples dance on a platform as judges walk around them. Cameramen can be seen seated in front of them. The couples twirl and kick their feet. Cuts to a man playing the clarinet, the crowd behind him dance and sway. WS of the competition, a band is onstage and right along the audience. Cuts to Benny Goodman riding into a warehouse in a convertible. WS of an audience seated before a stage. Goodman plays the clarinet, behind him is a drummer, guitarist, basest, and saxophonist. WS of the audience then CU of Goodman. Cuts to boys seated on the ground, one is very excited and pounds his fists. Cuts to a couple and the girl slowly nods her head. Goodman finishes his song. Cuts to the audience going crazy, clapping, and waving their hats. Goodman smiles at the crowd.