This clip shows two of the first black mayors elected in the US, and also features footage from Vietnam and the response at home. Shots of empty, burned out buildings in a tracking shot as VO begins. In the next shot, Carl Stokes gets a hug upon being elected mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. Richard G. Hatcher speaks to a crowd in MCU (zoom out after his speech) after winning the election for mayor of Gary, Indiana. Both were the first African American mayors for their towns, as well as some of the first in the nation. Carl Stokes speaks in the next shot in MCU. Cut to an aerial shot of a plane in the sky, farmlands in BG. In aerial shots we see explosions as the VO gives figures on Vietnam. LS of people gathered for a speech by MLK on ending the Vietnam War. MS of MLK in a fragment of his speech. MS of General Westmoreland speaking. MSs of soldiers in Vietnam running through jungle land and crawling on the floor.