Commercial for Rolaids antacid; journalist Roger Staubach interviews people on a busy street about how they spell relief; ; first pedestrian: “for heartburn: R-O-L-A-I-D-S!”; second pedestrial: “for acid indigestion: R-O-L-A-I-D-S!”; shot of Staubach holding a roll of Rolaids: “Rolaids does spell relief!”; shot of a dish with acid and a sponge in the shape of a Rolaids tablet put in it, demonstrating the absorption that Rolaids does for 100% acid relief; last traveler spells out R-O-L-A-I-D-S on his tablet; end shot of a Rolaids tablet and inset of the journalist: “for millions of Americans, Rolaids spells 100% relief!”