A commercial for Volvo cars. Opens with a close up on a glove compartment. The glove compartment pops open and is slammed shut, only to open again. Man sitting in his car while it is being washed. A bell rings indicating that his car is being filled up with gas. The man turns and looks at the meter. POV shot of the meter showing Your Purchase and Gallons. The man squirms in his seat. Oil drips under the car. Pouring rain the man attempts to get in his car however, the door is stuck. Once he gets in only one windshield wiper is going, he sticks his hand out the window to try to move the broken wiper to no avail. Cut to a car lot. The man opens the door of a white Volvo, gets in, and drives away.Narration: “A lot of people have been convinced to go out and buy a new car ever two or three years, not so much because they want a new car but more because they are fed up with their present car. If you are one of these people, buy a car that wont bug you. Volvo. Volvo’s are built so well that they are driven an average of 11 years in Sweden where their are no speed limits on the highways and over 7000 miles of unpaved roads. Volvo's also deliver 25 miles to the gallon. That wont bug you either.”