Charles Peterson demonstrates a series of difficult trick shots. Shot of Peterson demonstrating a rail shot. Narrator says, "Stay on there," referring to cue ball on rail. Peterson demonstrating five cushion bank shot: cue ball hits five cushions, rolls into paper bags and hits two balls in foreground. Shot of Homer returning to make a shot in which ball bounces into audience and bounces off the heads of two elderly bald men. Shot of Homer looking chagrined. Overhead shot of complicated trick shot involving extra cue and masse shot with cartoon arrows instructing viewer. Film continues with two more demonstrations of complicated trick shots involving props. Film concludes with trick shot involving chalk cubes and a coin. Narrator says: "Peterson will attempt a trick shot to end all trick shots. This is something he thought of all by himself, and then nearly went nuts trying to do it." Slow motion shot of Peterson hitting coin between two cubes, coin rolling to far cushion and returning to pass back between the cubes.